I know this and I have triggerd this by hand. So there is a lot of time between. I have purged files between every run and I got the same result if I wait 1 second, 1 minute or 1 day.
Well, then it probably qualifies as a bug, and, since the .tuc file has apparently been dismissed as a cause, you'd have to provide more precise information if you're interested in having it corrected (or do the debugging yourself, of course).
I have found a discussion on this thema. See http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2007-03/msg00564.html So I have changed the example to ------------------------------------------------------------- \starttext \startluacode math.randomseed(os.time()) _=math.random() \stopluacode Encode your Name and Surname as a \startluacode local a = {'null-terminated', 'dollar-terminated', 'Pascal'} context('%s string', a[math.random(1,3)]) \stopluacode \stoptext ------------------------------------------------------------- and this is working ok! Wolfgang