Dear Sirs Recently I moved to High Sierra with lua version 5.3. I make a dynamic library from GSL and Swig the I call meurandist.so I do: swig -lua meurandist.i gcc -I/usr/include/lua -c meurandist_wrap.c -o meurandist_wrap.o gcc -c meurandist.c -o meurandist.o gcc -fpic -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -llua -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib meurandist_wrap.o meurandist.o -o meurandist.so In my old machine all I need to do for call this library are "sudo cp randist.so /usr/local/lib/lua/5.2” And then \startluacode require "meurandist" ARRAY_SIZE=100 arr=meurandist.new_int(ARRAY_SIZE) meurandist.rpoisson(arr,ARRAY_SIZE,4) for i=0,ARRAY_SIZE-1 do context(" "..meurandist.int_getitem(arr,i)..",") end \stopluacode Works nicely. But now I don’t have lua 5.2 installed. I have copied my dynamic library in the lua5.3 tree and that works fine if I call them from the console, but not works if all call inside a context document. Did I need to install lua 5.2? Is it mandatary? Is there a another way to call c libraries? Thanks a lot and have a luck year. Jorge