Hi Pablo, Am 27.08.2017 um 19:24 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez:
Dear Mojca,
[I beg your pardon, if you aren’t the maintainer of the ConTeXt Suite distribution. In that case I address this message to whom it might concern :-).]
After reading some messages about PDF/A and PDF/X, I remembered that all my work documents should be PDF/A.
Since we have ICC profiles in the ConTeXt Garden (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/PDFX#ICC_profiles, http://dl.contextgarden.net/misc/iccprofiles/complete_ICC_profiles.zip), I wonder why they aren’t part of the ConTeXt Suite.
Because they are hardly used (simply judging from feedback). Not enough to justify a file size increase of 26.2 MByte.
This would make things easier to create some kinds of PDF documents.
In my personal case, I cannot update the ConTeXt Suite at work. I have to download it at home and replace the directory. Having to add the ICC profiles each time is something I’d rather avoid.
If there is something I can do to add those files to the ConTeXt Suite, please tell me and I will do it.
In theory you can use the environment variable $OSCOLORDIR, but it was dropped years ago. There were no complains or error reports about that, so no changes were made. Would still be the cleanest solution though. Copy the icc files once in the corresponding directory of your OS (so that all apps can make use of them), set the environment variable manually, and done. http://www.colourmanagement.net/advice/where-are-my-icc-profiles
Many thanks for your help,