On 3/26/19 9:42 AM, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 08:57:40PM +0100, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
I read your original message when you sent it, but the issue with that kind of hyphenation exceptions is that they are document-based
No. Why would they be restricted to a single document?
Where should I add it to have it in all my documents? I guess that even in that case it would be restricted to the distribution I’m using. (I mean, I had to add them again if I use another computer.) For me, adding the command to the document (or the distribution) would be easier. But this isn’t about my documents or myself.
This is why I asked for the discussion of a new pattern set.
Well, my contribution was sent five months ago, you didn’t reply to it until now, and since you talk about hyphenation exceptions above I suspect you haven’t really understood it.
Sorry for my delayed reply, but I don’t have much time to devote it to these issues (they are pure hobby for me). I also had to check the reference for the alternate hyphenation (I didn’t had the book myself and I wasn’t near to a library where I could lend it). In my documents, I have been using \registerhyphenationpattern for more than three years (to enable a hyphenation with a line starting with "no" at the beginning of the line).
It doesn’t use exceptions at all, and takes instead advantage of LuaTeX’s ability to manipulate the pattern set on the fly. As such, it can actually be a step towards an entirely new pattern set, but it is of course not complete.
Sorry for my inaccuracy, I know that \registerhyphenationexception is a different command from \registerhyphenationpattern.
I am however not prepared to put even more effort into this unless you contribute something too yourself.
I only wanted to discuss the issue before providing the patch with the patterns (at least) at GitHub. To avoid misunderstandings, I have just edited the title of the issue at GitHub (https://github.com/hyphenation/tex-hyphen/issues/34).
But I didn’t know that ConTeXt doesn’t allow them. So, this has to be solved before a different pattern set could make sense in ConTeXt.
This paragraph is either nonsensical or counterfactual. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
With “pattern set” I meant an optional pattern set that allows the hyphenation of all pair of consonants that don’t start a word (γ-μ, but not γ-ν) which are blocked in the main hyphenation pattern set. I don‘t know how, but this optional set has to be loaded with the main hyphenation patterns. I don’t know how to add those patterns as alternate ones. But I’m going to provide the patch with the needed hyphenations. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk