Hi all! And once again I am asking obout fonts in ConTeXt... The point is that I am not sure whether anything has changed since I've asked for the previous time;). I mean, I'd like to give Mk IV a try. Most probably I will try to maintain two different TeX installations at the same time, so a third one (ConTeXt) won't be more trouble. This means that I will (most probably) install the Minimals so that they won't interfere with my TeXlives (one 2008 and one much older). So, the questions are: * Is TeX Gyre support already working in MkIV? * The page about Minimals on the wiki mentions LM, Antykwa Torunska, Iwona, Kurier, TeX Gyre, ams. Does this means they are available there? (And what about Antykwa Poltawskiego...?) * How do I switch to any of these fonts (I mean for the whole document)? * How do I (globally) change the size of the font? Thanks in advance for the answers; of course, I'll try to post them to the wiki as soon as I learn how to do these things. Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.faculty.fmcs.amu.edu.pl)