Am 19.08.2014 um 21:02 schrieb Hans Hagen
I see no message that the module is loaded which is weird. But your format is from may, so are you sure you use the latest versions of all?
It’s a bug in the commands.usemodules function in file-mod.lua which sets a wrong status value when you try to load a notexsitend file. Below is a minimal example where you get the right message when you uncomment the \enabledirectives line.
\starttext \stoptext
ok, so we should have:
if not status or status == 0 then
Won’t a change like this make more sense? Files without a prefix are only loaded when you enable the required directive. function commands.usemodules(prefix,askedname,truename) [...] if status then -- ok, don't change elseif find(truename,"%-") and usemodule(truename) then -- assume a user namespace report_modules("using user prefixed file %a",truename) status = 1 - elseif not permit_unprefixed then - -- forget about it - elseif usemodule(truename) then + elseif permit_unprefixed and usemodule(truename) then report_modules("using unprefixed file %a",truename) status = 1 else status = 0 end [...] end Wolfgang