On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 8:12 PM, Mohamed Bana
Is anyone actually testing texlive 2008 on vista? Or is it just me :)
Is Vista that different?
On WINE, with TL installed to C:\texlive\2008, I got a little further, after
editing context.cmd because wine set %~dp0% to the current path:
@echo off
REM set ownpath=%~dp0%
set ownpath=C:\texlive\2008\bin\win32\
texlua "%ownpath%mtxrun.lua" --script context %*
Having done this, I still see "not found" errors:
$ context --make
[... locating, loading ...]
MtxRun | using script: C:/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-contex
MtxRun | running command: luatools --make --compile cont-enFile not found
MtxRun | running command: luatools --make --compile cont-nlFile not found
MtxRun | running command: luatools --make --compile mptopdfFile not found
Have you tried using luatools to see if "mtx-context.lua" is found?
It should be a trivial exercise to just move your TeXLive to a path without
the space. Somewhere the changes to the registry are mentioned and
are minimal, just the PATH setting, Also, watch for problems with settings
left from old TeX installs (many MiKTeX users have TEXINPUTS).
George N. White III