Hi Pablo and greek-latin readers (and printers),
I've given a look further into the documentation about the modules 'newcolumnset', in order to understand this issue, where ConTeXt put the latin paragraph in the continuity of greek paragraph, when one tries to get 2 paragraphs in 2 face to face columns in 2 different languages (with the goal to print a 'criticus apparatus' in a few different level of footnotes).
Wolfgang Schuster stimulated me about the new documentation ! Then, I have found, in the doc produced by : context --extra=setups --overview i-columns.xml, this intersting information (cf. last line) :
quotation : "This manual introduces column sets, one of the output routines of ConTEXt. Although
column sets are mainly meant for typesetting journals in a semi--automated way, you
can also use them for books. We assume that the user is familiar with ConTEXt and
only discuss the commands that are related to column sets.
This mechanism performs okay but it needs to be used with care: an occasional manual
intervention is needed to get optimal results. After all, we’re operating in the area
where normally click and point desktop publishing is used.
For the moment you need to load the new code with: \usemodule[newcolumnsets]".
Allright ! Then, I have listening this advice and there is the new code (on the basis of Pablo's work); I've only added declarations lines as \usemodule[newcolumnsets], and \definecolumnset[example][n=2, balance=yes]. The result is almost satisfying, because 'criticus apparatus' is well printed in footnotes, the numbering lines okay and the first 2 texts (greek and latin paragraphs) quite well printed in two face to face columns. BUT, I don't understand why after a good print, all is messed up. Is it because the closing bracket after \dorecurse{4}{ is only here : \stopcolumns} ?
I want to test this file without the dorecurse command, with a long aristotelian text and its latin translation within more than a recto/verso set (or both pages and an only /odd/even set). But I want to know, before doing such a test, why this configuration with a sample doesn't work.
As attached file see the PDF of the *.tex source below.
Thanks to all !
\setuplanguage[agr][patterns={agr, la}]
\mainlanguage[agr] % Greek as main language
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [serif] [GFS Didot] [preset=range:greek]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [TeX Gyre Pagella]
\setuplayout[header=2cm, footer=2cm]
\def\ANote#1#2{#1\aNote{#1] #2}}
\def\BNote#1#2{#1\bNote{#1] #2}}
\def\CNote#1#2{#1\cNote{#1] #2}}
\def\DNote#1#2{#1\dNote{#1] #2}}
\setupalign[hz, hanging]
\setuplinenumbering[step=5, location=inright, distance=1ex,
align=center, width=0.5em]
\definemargindata[Stephanus][location=inner, distance=2ex,
\setupbodyfont[mainface, 7.8pt]
\definecolumnset[example][n=2, balance=yes]
\start\fr % some text in French
Définir un apparat critique et le mettre en page avec un
traitement de texte courant est un véritable casse-tête. LaTeX et
ConTeXt offrent des outils d'automatisation encore assez mal connus
dans la communauté des éditeurs, notamment dans l'édition
savante, pour la collation et la comparaison de textes
\Stephanus{1a} Ὁμώνυμα λέγεται ὧν ὄνομα
μόνον κοινόν, ὁ δὲ κατὰ τοὔνομα
λόγος τῆς οὐσίας ἕτερος, οἷον ζῷον
ὅ τε ἄνθρωπος καὶ τὸ γεγραμμένον·
τούτων γὰρ ὄνομα μόνον κοινόν, ὁ δὲ
κατὰ τοὔνομα λόγος τῆς οὐσίας
ἕτερος· ἐὰν γὰρ ἀποδιδῷ τις τί
ἐστιν αὐτῶν ἑκατέρῳ τὸ ζῴῳ
εἶναι, ἴδιον ἑκατέρου λόγον ἀποδώσει.
Aequivoca dicuntur quorum \CNote{nomen}{première note} solum
commune est, secundum nomen vero \ANote{substantiae}{seconde note}
\ANote{ratio}{seconde note} diversa, ut animal
\DNote{homo}{troisième note} et quod pingitur. Horum enim solum
nomen commune est, secundum nomen vero substantiae ratio diversa;
si enim quis assignet quid est utrique eorum quo sint animalia,
propriam assignabit utriusque rationem.
----- Mail original -----
De: "Pablo Rodriguez"
[...] \dorecurse only avoids copying the same text again and again.
I dont know how to manage Hans proposal : I've tried to deal with it and the visible effect is to place footnotes in the column on the right. Maye I'll have to test with a longer text without the \dorecurse command ...
\setupmixedcolumns seems to misplace the notes. At least on my sample. Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net archive : http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ___________________________________________________________________________________