Dear gang, A bug or feature? \t oo does not work in ConTeXt! `\t' is undefined. Anyway, I need something else. I want to place an accent midway over two letters. I looked at page 356 of the TeXBook for ideas but I can't seem to get things right. I want to place an extended tilda (\textfont3\accent"65 in Plain TeX) over the character pair `al'. I need a macro like \t{al} that places this character exactly midway over the `al', or any other pair of characters. The procedure analogous to the one Knuth uses for \t \def\t#1{{\edef\next{\the\font}\the\textfont3\accent"65\next#1}} does not work here. Aside: Can TeX be tricked into reading the ahead two characters so I can write \t al ? I realize that Knuth's \t does not really do this but takes a character from an italic font to give the illusion that it does. Thnx 4 your help Idris