On 2/7/20 9:19 PM, Rik Kabel wrote:
On 2/7/2020 14:46, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
many thanks for having fixed the issues with attachments (in latest beta from 2020.02.07 18:36). I haven’t tested attachments with PDF/A-3a.
PDF/A-3a attachments still fail validation with the same issues.
Hi Rik, it has way less issues, at least using verapdf-1.5.18 and the following sample: \setuptagging[state=start] \setupbodyfont[30pt] \setupbackend [format=PDF/A-3a, intent=sRGB IEC61966-2.1, profile={sRGB.icc,default_gray.icc}, level=0] \setupcolors[pagecolormodel=auto] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1em] an attachment\attachment[file=xml-mkiv.pdf, type={application/pdf}] \stopTEXpage \stoptext With "method=hidden" (no attachment annotation) it has no issue. Both issues are related to annotations in general: - If the flag annotation is present (/F key), it should be set to print and disable everything else. - Annotations need an appearance dictionary (unless their /Rect is one and the same point, or /Popup or /Link annotations). Actual value of the annotation flag key is "/F null". I wonder whether this is a bug (for having wanted to avoid the presence of /F at all). Otherwise, I don’t think that setting all embedded file annotations to printable is a good default. Just in case it helps to the discussion, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk