Hi Julian,
I am attempting to get a TOC that looks like the following (in other words with section titles and their relative page numbers in a block below the chapter):
Has anyone put together a TOC of this kind and might be able to give me a hint to follow?
This is fairly close to what you're looking for I think (the manual, not the package itself): http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/generic/lua-widow-control/lua-widow-co... The source is a little messy, but I've used it in a bunch of other documents and it seems fairly robust: https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control/blob/7c4544/docs/manual/... There aren't any page numbers for the subsections in that, but you should be able to add those inside the definition of \SubsectionTOCcommand with either #3 or \currentlistentrypagenumber. Thanks, -- Max