Hey Hans, Aditya, and Wolfgang, You gentlemen seem to be very knowledgeable with ConTeXt, so I will run a question by you that has been plaguing me for months. I am using the following to typeset a text box containing text. \definetextbackground[GeneralDocument][ location=paragraph, color=color_text, background=color, backgroundcolor=colour_page, framecolor=colour_text, topoffset=1.0cm, bottomoffset=1.0cm, leftoffset=1.0cm, rightoffset=1.0cm, before={ \blank[2*big] }, after={ \blank[2*big] }, style=small, corner=round, frame=on] This works fine, but I still have a problem if the text box spans multiple pages because bottomoffset / topoffset seem to be ignored at the points where the page breaks. The text just goes right to the edge of the page top or bottom without any whitespace. Any ideas? -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com