On 1/5/06, David Antos wrote:
I've included URL's into notes in bib file in the following format note = {\useURL[http://www.obfuscation.org/ipf/] [http://www.obfuscation.org/ipf/] \url[http://www.obfuscation.org/ipf/]}
It used to work well, with the latest version, the finishing ']' gets typeset. I've tried to surround the fiinal \url macro with {} but it does not work.
\url was redefined (sorry, that may be my fault) for the use within bibtex. I don't know how to remove this little "bug", but I would insert URLs in the following way: Inside .bib, use url= instead of note= @Misc{compact-filter, key = {Compact Filter}, title = {{Compact Filter: An IDD Based Packet Filter for Linux}}, url = {http://www.cs.aau.dk/tilde-mixxel/cf/}, month = {August}, year = 2005 } See bibl-apa.tex. It doesn't include URLs by default (perhaps it should, but I don't know if it is still possible to do that without people complaining because of the slightly changed behaviour if they had url in their .bib files which were ignored before; comments?). The example above is an @Misc, so you have to adapt the style for misc to include url as well: \setuppublicationlayout[misc]{% \insertauthors{}{ }{\insertthekey{}{. }{}}% \insertpubyear{(}{). }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup }{\egroup \insertseries{ (}{)}. }{}% \insertpublisher{}{. }{}% \insertpages{}{p. }{}% \inserturl{}{}{}% ADDED \insertnote{ }{.}{}% } That way you'll get the desired output with much cleaner .bib files. You can also use \cite[url][compact-filter] to get an active url in the document. (Taco, what are the square brackets doing around the url in the resulting pdf?) (I don't know if you can make the entry on the last page active as well. In the example you didn't have it.) The bad news is that you would have to do that for every possible type of publication where you use URLs, but you used it in Misc only anyway, so no additional work is needed. Mojca