Hello, When I write mathematics I need some way of making theorems and proof. Therefore I have defined the following enumerations \defineenumeration [theorem] [text=Sætning, style=slanted, way=bychapter] \defineenumeration [corollary] [theorem] [text=Korollar, style=slanted, way=bychapter] \defineenumeration [proof] [text=Bevis., number=no] \setupenumerations [theorem,proof] [location=serried, headstyle=bold, width=broad, stopper=.] \setupindenting[medium] But when I make the proof and type \startproof One paragraph. Two paragraphs. Three paragraphs. \QED \stopproof There is no indentation of the paragraphs. How can I fix this? -- Emil Hedevang Lohse http://home.imf.au.dk/emil/ Alle spørgsmål er lige dumme. Og spørgsmålet "Kan ænder flyve?" er ikke dumt.