Olivier, thanks so much! This helps enormously -- I had a few reports that these assignments were troublesome, but couldn't reproduce them on my system, so I'm very grateful you provide a solution! (Note to self: will have to ask Taco why this works on some systems but not on others.) I'll upload a new and (I hope) much improved version this weekend! Best Thomas On Jul 21, 2007, at 11:10 AM, olivier Turlier wrote:
Hi Thomas, I've played with your presentation module and fond it nice to see. In order to have it working on my system, I've "adapted" t- taspresent.tex to my system needs (ubuntu + sanjoy's texlive repository = context version:2007.04.17) : line 169 : commented \usetypescriptfile[type-gyr] line 554 : changed from a = 2*NOfPages-1 ; to numeric a ; a = 2*NOfPages-1 ; line 555 : changed from c = PaperHeight/a ; to numeric c; c = PaperHeight/a ;
HTH. Thanks for providing us both nice model and well commented source.