On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, frantisek holop wrote:
i have made the openbsd installation of context on top of texexec3 wiki page on the context wiki because i frequently reinstall my notebook and start from scratch with all my software. i realize by now texlive is the new thing but before i make context minimal work on openbsd i still prefer to bring up to date context on the much less bloated base of tetex3.
Hello, teTeX3 is less bloated than ConTeXt minimals?? I suggest 2 options: 1.) Install cont-tmf.zip and fonts on top of tetex3 For this option, you can take a look into http://pmrb.free.fr/texlive/src/ where you can find texlive.spec. The ideas in this file should also work for tetex (the name of this file was tetex.spec some time ago). 2.) Install context-minimals beside tetex3 Since I have no more time to maintain tetex or texlive spec files, I use this option (only with texlive instead of tetex). All my context stuff is now in /opt/context and updated according to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Minimals Perhaps there are no openbsd binaries in this distribution, but it should be easy to add support for openbsd in http://svn.contextgarden.net/minimals-src/build-binaries/build-binaries.sh Cheers, Peter -- Contact information: http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/