Hi, I've uploaded the version 0.3 of my TextMate bundle. See http://wiki.contextgarden.net/ConTeXt_Bundle_for_TextMate and http://dl.contextgarden.net/support/ Direct download: http://dl.contextgarden.net/support/context-tmbundle.dmg Enjoy, Patrick Changes: 0.3: * scope set to text.tex.context for compatibility with the latex bundle (text.tex.latex) * include metafun language grammar based on a metapost bundle by Charilaos Skiadas * typeset (cmd-r) output window: * link to pdf file added (runs predefined viewer or 'Preview.app') * link to logfile * in case of an error: link to file/line * keybindings * typeset is now on cmd-r (for the sake of compatibility with all other textmate's bundles) * purge is now on ctrl-alt-backsapce (for the sake of.....) * view in pdfviwer is now on ctrl-alt-cmd-o (for the sake of ....) * cmd-i {\it ...} * cmd-b {\bf ...} * dragging images (png, pdf, jpg) to a ConTeXt source creates \externalfigure[<figname>] * sectioning commands: tab trigger 'sec' and 'sub' * wrap selection in \start...\stop (ctrl-shift-w) * Menu update * support for document outline (symbols in TextMate speak) -- ConTeXt wiki and more: http://contextgarden.net