Hi Axel,
On 10 Aug 2020, at 16:11, Axel Kielhorn
wrote: […] Well, one more suggestion: Use TeX Live Manager to update TeX-Live. I didn’t see any comments about context not working, but maybe the update fixes something. (You can filter for context related packages.) There has been one update to „context“ in June 2020.
I did update TeXLive with TeX Live Manager. But still I cannot run ConTeXt from TeXLive2020 (neither from TeXShop nor from Terminal).
[…] And another one: Please look into the home directory for a local .texlive2020 folder. There shouldn’t be any and it shouldn’t contain anything context related.
I checked for the existence of directories of the type .texlive2020: there is no such directory in my home directory. There were three leftover directories .texlive2008, .texlive2010 and .texlive2019, which I removed. Doing mtxrun --generate creates a .texlive2019 directory which contains some other folders which are texmf-var/luatex-cache/context/88aacfe88c3cbee9a12d5f4bec4da90b/trees/ and in the latter folder there are 10 files with suffixes .lua and .luc. Again context test.tex results in mtxrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua' So the problem remains… Best regards: Otared