Hi All, I'm trying to create a command that will apply a consistent style to a word or phrase. For example, when documenting source code, I'd like to be able to mark variables with \Var{var_name}. Then if I want the variable names to be in mono, I can \def\Var#1{\type{#1}}. No problem there. If I want variable names to be in quotes, then \def\Var#1{\quote{#1}}. The problem is that in my ConTeXt code I'd write "This is \Var{var_name}, a variable." Which would get typeset as "This is 'var_name', a variable." where punctuation convention (at least in American English) would have the comma inside the quote like this: "This is 'var_name,' a variable." I've tried four different ways of implementing this, but none of them work consistently. Here's my last attempt: ========================== \startluacode function move_end_punctuation (text, punc, cmd_start, cmd_mid, cmd_end) context(cmd_start .. text .. cmd_mid) if string.find('.,!?', punc, 1, true) then context(punc .. cmd_end) else context(cmd_end .. ' ' .. punc) end end \stopluacode \def\Var#1#2{\ctxlua{move_end_punctuation([==[#1]==],[==[#2]==], '\\quote{\\type{','}','}')}} \starttext This is \Var{var_name}, a variable. \stoptext ========================== This works, until the \Var{} macro appears in the argument of another macro. For example, make the text: \framed{This is \Var{var_name}, a variable.} and the following error results: ========================== systems : begin file test.tex at line 16 ! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ <to be read again> _ l.1 ...spaces quote{unskip ignorespaces type{var_ name} \Var ...=],[==[#2]==], '\\quote{\\type{','}','}')} l.18 \framed{This is \Var{var_name}, a variable.} ? ========================== I think my problem has to do with parameter expansion, but I don't understand the intricacies enough to solve this. I flailed away, unsuccessfully, with various combinations of \unexpanded, \normalunexpanded, luaescapestring, etc. Does anyone have a solution or a pointer in the right direction? Thank you, Tad