On Thu, 5 Sep 2019, Otared Kavian wrote:
Hi Aditya,
Thank you for your reply and for the link to your article: your explanations are cristal clear and the solution for me is to use what you explain.
There is only one issue remaining, when using your code, that is:
\definetextbackground [leftbartext] [ location=paragraph, mp=mpos:region:leftbar, width=broad, frame=off, framecolor=darkred, rulethickness=.5pt, leftoffset=2ex, % rightoffset=2.25ex, % topoffset=2.25ex, % bottomoffset=2.25ex, background=color, backgroundcolor=white, ]
\startuseMPgraphic{mpos:region:leftbar} draw_multi_pars; draw_multi_side; \stopuseMPgraphic
then when there is a footnote the leftbartext runs into the footnote, between the number and the footnote itself, and the result is not nice. I did not find a way to push the footnote and its number a little to the right, or the leftbartext to the left.
You can move the leftbartex to the left by using `frameoffset=dimension` key. Aditya