All, I have book.tex. %output=pdftex \startproject book \environment bookenv \product chapter1 \stopproject %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: I have bookenv.tex. \startenvironment bookenv \setupwhitespace[medium] \setupindenting[medium] \stopenvironment %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: I have chapter1.tex: \startproduct chapter1 \project book \startbodymatter \chapter{Quadratic Functions} \component section1 \component section2 \component section3 \stopbodymatter \stopproduct %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: I have section1.tex: \startcomponent section1 \project book \product chapter1 \section{Trinomials} \input knuth \stopcomponent %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: I have section 2.tex: \startcomponent section2 \project book \product chapter1 \section{Special Forms} \input knuth \stopcomponent %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: I have section3.tex: \startcomponent section3 \project book \product chapter1 \section{Completing the Square} \input knuth \stopcomponent %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: A couple of questions: 1. When I compile: texexec book I do not get "medium" indenting. What am I doing wrong? 2. When I compile: texexec --pdf section2 I don't get indenting "medium" and the section is numbered 1. I was expecting 1.2. Am I missing something here? I was hoping that if you compiled a component like this that it would search the project structure and determine an appropriate adjustment in number labels and, hopefully, references. David