31 Jul
31 Jul
11:11 a.m.
The Wizard wrote:
All - I have a small block which creates a "DRAFT" watermark as the page background:
% Create "Draft" watermark for later use \doifmode{draft}{ % Put a "DRAFT" watermark in Sun Blue \defineoverlay[Draft][{\sunbluet \scale[factor=max]{\rotate[rotation=60]{~DRAFT~}}}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=Draft] } % End watermark
Is there a way I can put it into a "setup" or "command" so I can turn it on/off by page/section?
My guess is the easiest way is to do \setupbackgrounds[page][background=] on the page(s) where you do not want a background. You can put that statement in a setup, of course. Cheers, taco