On 2/16/06, Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Hi all,
This time, I eventually use LaTeX with \usepackage{lucidabr} and "set term pst" to produce .ps, then use ps2epsi to obtain an .eps with a correct bounding box and to finish psttopdf. I include the resulting .pdf with the standard method... It is not the easy way !
I just noticed that "epslatex" terminal was improved considerably in the new gnuplot version (4.1, you can download testing binaries for windows). Take a look. On 2/16/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
It depends on terminal. With PostScript terminal you can't do math. With Metapost you can do math, but don't ask me how to change fonts to lucida (try read "help terminal mp" if it helps you). Anyway I'm affraid that you won't get lucida for math that way.
if with mp you can do math, then you need to extend gnuplot with the option to configure verbatimtex ... etex so that one can instruct tex to load other fonts there.
If you process the files manually it's no problem to edit the "verbatimtex" part of the resulting metapost output. However, this cannot be done if the file is generated and included with the gnuplot module. I'll first finish the ConTeXt terminal and perhaps fix/improve mp terminal on the basis of ConTeXt terminal later (or during writing it). It's very easy to fix gnuplot, so that it will be able to place additional commands inside "verbatimtex" section. If anyone needs that, I can add it and submit it to patches, but I can only provide you windows binaries after that. (I tried to compile it on three linux boxes without success, although it should be trivial.) All I need to know is the keyword that you want to use and that would make sense. Epslatex uses the following syntax for example: set terminal epslatex header "\usepackage{something}" (Would anyone need that at all?) My next question is going to be: how should I handle fonts in context terminal? (But probably for another thread or for off-list discussions only.) Mojca