Hi all, I found something strange with a metapost file where I want to store various definitions for reuse in several tex files; here are example files: .......inc.mp............... numeric u; u=.8cm; path AX; AX = (10u,0) -- (0,0) -- (0,10u); picture cax; cax = thelabel(textext("Costs, prices") rotated 90,(-.3u,8u)); ............................ .......inc.tex.............. \setupoutput[pdftex] \startMPinclusions \input inc \stopMPinclusions \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{toto} drawdblarrow AX; % label.rt(textext("$3x^2+\pi$"), (5u,6u)); draw cax; \stopuseMPgraphic \placefigure[left]{bla.bla}{\useMPgraphic{toto}} \input dawkins \stoptext ............................ Now what happens? The label in the mp file "Costs, prices" is replaced by "unknown" in the pdf. But if I add a label in the startuseMPgraphic environment, (decommenting line 3 in it), then both labels appear!! I tried several other files, it seems to happen every time. Anything I'm doing wrong? tia -- Jean