I did some small examples, motivated by the article of Wesseling in NTG's "Voorjaar 2005" MAPS. Latest context and fonts installed (2005-12-19). I do not understand the results. (call) texexec --mptex test-1.mp: beginfig(1); draw (0,0)--(100,0)--(100,50)--(50,50)--(50,100)--(0,100)--(0,0); label.urt(btex \ss\tfxx coorner etex rotated 45, (50,50)) withcolor blue; endfig; end. Why are the o's colliding? font shown to be Courier Truetype (Macintosh OSX). And why is the fount Courier instead of the expected ComputerModern SansSerif? Contents of test.mpx is: % Written by DVItoMP, Version 0.9/color (Web2C 7.5.3) begingroup save _p,_r,_s,_n; picture _p; _p=nullpicture; string _n[]; vardef _s(expr _t,_f,_m,_x,_y)(text _c)= addto _p also _t infont _f scaled _m shifted (_x,_y) _c; enddef; _n0="ec-lmss12"; _s("co",_n0,1.00000,0.0000,-5.3134,); _s("o",_n0,1.00000,11.3806,-5.3134,); _s("rner",_n0,1.00000,16.9085,-5.3134,); setbounds _p to (0,-5.3134)--(36.0726,-5.3134)-- (36.0726,0.0000)--(0,0.0000)--cycle; _p endgroup mpxbreak File tmpgraph.bck has: \long\def\mpxshipout#1{\shipout\hbox{% \setbox0=\hbox{#1}% \dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0\dp0 \dimen1=\ht0 \dimen2=\dp0 \ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0 \ifnum\dimen0>0 \vrule width1sp height\dimen1 depth\dimen2 \else \vrule width1sp height1sp depth0sp\relax \fi}} \mpxshipout{% line 3 test.mp \ss coorner} \end{document} \end{document} File tmpgraph.log shows context loading ec fonts (why not lm now)? yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer