Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Here is an example:
\def\solutionbox {\dosingleempty\dosolutionbox}
\def\dosolutionbox[#1]% {\mframed[width=2em,background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgreen,#1] {\strut}}
Thanks everyone for your input. I think I have enough to go on now. It does seem MetaPost is easiest, but quickly gets complicated. I have not seen any simple geometry examples labeling angles, for example. I suppose though I can figure out those things for myself when I get some more practice in. Is there a book on ConTeXt that starts from the beginning like layout of the page, setup of colors, and things like that, then typing in text, and finally drawing, fonts, inclusion of graphics and things like that? Thanks again for everyone's generous help, Aditya and Thomas. James Buchanan