Dear Taco and the rest of the gang, There seems to be a problem with the \cite when encountering \penalty1000: ConTeXt ver: 2006.01.28 10:09 fmt: 2006.1.29 In the following example if you uncomment %\def\citeauthoroutpage[#1][#2]{\cite[alternative=authoryears,left={}, right={, #2)},inbetween={ (}][#1]} Then you will get the error: ========================================= ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \penalty \nonbreakablespace ->\penalty \!!tenthousand \ <argument> ...=authoryears,left={}, right={, vol.~ 2, p.~605--6)},inbetween={... \expanded ...\long \xdef \@@expanded {\noexpand #1 }\@@expanded \docite ...on [\csname @@pv#2compress\endcsname ]} [ \v!yes =>\bibcitecompre... l.52 ...eauthoroutpage[jamil04][vol.~2, p.~605--6] . I ? ======================================== This used to compile just fine. I am now in the terrible position of having to make last-minute editorial changes to a manuscript I sent to the publishers months ago, and at the same time be on the guard for new ConTeXt errors! :-(( I switched all my bib macros (like \citeauthoroutpage) to the \cite style of the above definition, and I really don't want to change back to the \setupcite style and have to debug this all over again... Thank you in advance for your help!! Best Idris ============================================ % output=pdf interface=en \usemodule[bib] % #1 = firstname, #2 = von, #3 = surname, #4 = inits, #5 = junior \def\invertedshortauthor#1#2#3#4#5% {\bibdoif{#2}{#2 }% #3% \bibdoif{#5}{ #5}% \bibdoif{#4}{, #4\unskip}}% \setuppublications[alternative=apa] \setuppublications[autohang=yes] \setuppublications[numbering=no] \setuppublications[criterium=cite] \setuppublications[sorttype=bbl] \setuppublicationlist[totalnumber={},samplesize=,author={\invertedauthor}] \setupcite[authoryears][inbetween={ }] \setupcite[year][inbetween={ }] \def\citeauthoroutpage[#1][#2]{% {\setupcite[authoryears][left={}, right={, #2)},inbetween={ (}]% \cite[authoryears][#1]% }% } \def\citeauthoroutpage[#1][#2]{\cite[alternative=authoryears,left={}, right={, #2)},inbetween={ (}][#1]} \startpublication[k=jamil04, t=phdthesis, a=Al-Jamil, y=2004, s=] \author[]{Tariq}[]{}{Al-Jamil} \title{Cooperation and Contestation in Medieval Baghdad (656/1258--786/1384): Relationships Between Shii and Sunni Scholars in the Mad\=ina\~tu \~a\~l-Sal\=am} \pubname{Princeton University (PhD. Dissertation)} \pubyear{2004} \stoppublication \starttext An entry recorded in the work of the eighth century Sunni{} biographer and chronicler, Ab\=u~Bakr ibn A\.hmad ibn Qad\=i \v Suhba\~h, demonstrates the ambiguous nature of religious identity and affiliation as it was constructed in contemporary sources from the period. Ibn~Qad\=i \v Suhba\~h's narrative proceeds as follows: \footnote{\citeauthoroutpage[jamil04][vol.~2, p.~605--6]. I have been unable to confirm this entry in the two Sunni{} biographies mentioned in the text, Ibn~Rajab and Ibnu~\~al-Fuwat\~i. It is also worth noting that Ibn~Q\=ad\=i \v Suhba\~h was writing about events taking place in Baghdad from Damascus. Perhaps, the geographical distance from of the author from the events and sites being described is worthy of consideration. } \stoptext ============================================