Hi I was trying to answer a question on tex.stackexchange (http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5166/) when I noticed that marking does not work the same way in MkIV as it did in MkII. Consider the following minimal example: \startsetups footer \getmarking[subject][first]\space - \getmarking[subject][last]\space - \pagenumber \stopsetups \setupfootertexts[][\setups{footer}] \starttext \subject{One} \input knuth \subject{Two} \input knuth \subject{Three}\input knuth \subject{Four} \input knuth \stoptext In MkII I get "One - Three - 1" in the footer of the first page. In MkIV, the subject markings are missing. I think that the reason is that for non numbered heads, section key is not set in \definestructurehead, so no marking gets defined for them. What is the easiest way to enable subject marking in MkIV? I am using an old beta from 2010.10.14 but I do not think that anything this fundamental has changed in the last month. Aditya