Hans Hagen
you see the message: LuaTeX warning (file cmr10): Font cmr10 at 3000 not found
You are right, though I had unwisely ignored it (weak excuse below).
so you need to load a map file that matches the used fonts: \loadmapfile[mkiv-base]
That does fix it, thanks. The warning message, which is helpful, seems to happen only with a relatively recent LuaTeX. In my earlier tests, with 0.78, there wasn't a message, and also with the luatex in Debian's TL2014 there isn't one (which is why I ignored it). Debian's TL has luatex beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014/Debian) (rev 4971) The version in the context standalone is just a bit later: beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014/dev) (rev 4972) Hard to believe that one svn revision makes all the difference, but maybe it does. -Sanjoy