On Tuesday 06 May 2003 02:04 pm, Adam Lindsay wrote:
Hello, John,
Good luck grappling with fonts. I think the hardest thing in terms of transferring font knowledge is that it consists of numerous little tricks along the way.
I *think* that you need at this point is: \usetypescript [berry] [\defaultencoding]
It's in the cont-sys file as a potential line to uncomment. You'll also want to choose something for the \setupencoding line, too.
I'm sorry I can't say for certain, but my TeXLive install is far from being virgin, at this point. (The hussy.)
Cheers, adam
I found not cont-sys but cont-sys.rme. I made the changes (uncommented the line and made the default coding 8r.) Then I copied cont-sys.rme to cont-sys (seem to remember that was necessary.) Still no help. Next I will try to eliminate all the synonym stuff and call for the font more directly. If that doesn't work I am back to the old plain tex way. John C. ____________________________________________________________ Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service! Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/