Hi Hans,
maybe after the current is made (which happens sometime within the next two weeks)
best make sure that we have no serious bugs (experimental features apart)
I think it's better to start a new thread for this issue. I maintain a small list of bugs and quirks which I would like to share. I don't know if the issues are considered bugs or not. I posted most of them to the mailing list at some point, but AFAIK they have not been fixed for whatever reason. Usually there are simple workarounds or I have some code which fixes the issue. Others are still unresolved. Act upon as you see fit. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Wrong spacing in \unit when no number is given \starttext \starttabulate \NC wrong spacing \EQ (\unit{micro mol}) \NC\NR \NC spacing OK \EQ (µmol) \NC\NR \NC spacing OK \EQ (3\,µmol) \NC\NR \NC spacing OK \EQ (3 \unit{micro mol}) \NC\NR \NC spacing OK \EQ (\unit{3 micro mol}) \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Newline after \placelegend fails \starttext \startplacelegend \startcontent Foo \stopcontent \startcaption Bar \stopcaption \stopplacelegend \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% way setting does not work in \setupcaptions %% The way setting cannot be applied globally to all floats using %% \setupcaptions. For the prefix value it works. \setupblackrules [width=4cm, height=1cm] %% prefix is applied, way is not \setupcaptions [prefix=no, way=bytext] %% prefix and way are applied %% \setupcaption %% [figure, table] %% [prefix=no, %% way=bytext] \starttext \dorecurse{2}{% \startchapter [title=Chapter] \dorecurse{2}{% \startplacefigure \blackrule \stopplacefigure \startplacetable \blackrule \stopplacetable} \stopchapter} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Wide descriptions protruding into the margin \definedescription [description] [alternative=hanging, width=broad] \starttext \startdescription{conclusion that} \input knuth \stopdescription \startdescription{conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be literally} \input knuth \stopdescription \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% interaction mode focus=current does not work for footnotes and floats \setupinteraction [state=start,focus=standard] \starttext \in{figure}[foo] \startplacefigure [reference=foo] \stopplacefigure \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% the \stop… line of database module environment must not be indented, %% spurious line otherwise \usemodule [database] \defineseparatedlist [CSV] [before=\bTABLE, after=\eTABLE, first=\bTR, last=\eTR, left=\bTD, right=\eTD] \starttext %% indentation with spaces works \startCSV alpha, 10 beta, 20 gamma, 30 \stopCSV %% indentation with tabs produces spurious extra line \startCSV alpha, 10 beta, 20 gamma, 30 \stopCSV %% some weird indentation works, but looks awkward \startplacetable \startCSV alpha, 10 beta, 20 gamma, 30 \stopCSV \stopplacetable \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MetaPost Location throws error \startuseMPgraphic{foo} %% works %% fill Field[Header][Text]; %% error fill Area[Header][Text] shifted Location[Header][Text]; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \useMPgraphic{foo} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Marco