Hi, On 11/15/2010 05:41 PM, Herbert Voss wrote:
I like to use the fonts keyboard, outline and shadow of libertine, defined in a typescrip, e.g. \definetypeface[mylibertine][kb][keyboard][biolinumKB][default] \definetypeface[mylibertine][ol][outline] [biolinumOL][default] \definetypeface[mylibertine][sh][shadow] [biolinumSH][default]
Hans has the final answer on this, but I suspect that the second argument to \definetypeface has to be one of the six predefined font styles (or a \definefontstyle alias to those six). That limits the allowable set to: [mm] [mm] [rm,roman,serif,regular] [rm] [ss,sansserif,sans,support] [ss] [tt,teletype,type,mono] [tt] [hw,handwritten] [hw] [cg,calligraphic] [cg] the reason for that is that for each of those, there is possibly also a bold, italic, bolditalic etc. font. Since your special fonts do not have such alternatives, the easier way is indeed \definefont[keyboard][LinBiolinum_Kb-0.5.4 sa 1] \definefont[outline][fxbo sa 1] \definefont[shadow][fxbs sa 1] the reason for using 'sa 1' in those definitions is that it will allow the fonts to scale with the current body font size. Best wishes, Taco