11 Apr
11 Apr
6:58 p.m.
On Apr 11, 2005, at 2:37 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Hi there!
AFAIK this should work:
\setuplanguage[de][ leftquote=\guilsinglleft, rightquote=\guilsinglright, leftquotation=\guillemotleft, rightquotation=\guillemotright ]
setuplanguage[de][ leftquote=\guilsingleleft, rightquote=\guilsingleright, leftquotation=\leftguillemot, rightquotation=\rightguillemot ] However, this brings up a more general issue (for Hans, especially). The symbol is called a guillemet, a diminutive of Guillaume (Le Be), the typographer. It has nothing to do with the French word for word, mot. :-) Steve