I wrote about this a few days ago, but did not get a response, perhaps because I included sample code. So...this time I am including the main part of my code so you can perhaps see what I am doing wrong. My problem is that many of my footnotes show up on the wrong page. Sometimes the text that references the footnote is at the bottom of a page, and the footnote number shows up with a small graphic arrow next to it. In these cases, the actual footnote text will show up on the next page. Also in this case, the footnote number with the footnote text will usually be labeled "1", even though the next footnote after it (the one that really belongs on that page) is numbered "1" also. Sometimes footnote numbers appear in the text even though there is no footnote on any page that has that number. Any help is appreciated. Jeff Dodson _____________________________________________________________________ Call Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere in the World - FREE! Free Internet calling from NetZero Voice Visit http://www.netzerovoice.com today!