Hi Hans, Hi all, I try to use widgets with luatex and ConTeXt MKIV. If i try the example for a choice field from mwidget-s.pdf i get following error: javascript : loading script set fld (C:/context/texmf-context/tex/context/base/java-fld.tex) ! LuaTeX error .../context/texmf-context/tex/context/base/colo-new.lua:429: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got no value). \PDFcolor ...lormodel , \thecolorattribute {#1}))} \setFDFattributes ...space Tf\space \PDFcolor {#2} }\doifelsenothing {#3} {\g... \doFDFpresetchoicefield ...]\setFDFattributes [#5] \setFDFvalues [#7][#4]\set... \dopresetfield ...{preset\@@DriverFieldType field} \fi \fi \dosetupfield ...fieldoffset \hbox {\typesetfield }} \vss }}\ifShowFieldLabe... \dofield ...abel ,\v!frame ,\v!horizontal ][][][]} \iftrialtypesetting \else ... ... l.6 Text text \field[Ugly] t ext text. ? My minimal testfile is: % engine=luatex \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \setupfield [UglySetup] [width=6em, height=1.2\lineheight, location=low] \definefield [Ugly] [choice] [UglySetup] [ugly,awful,bad] [ugly] Text text \field[Ugly] text text. \stoptext I use ConTeXt ver: 2008.03.24 23:24 MKIV fmt: 2008.4.2 int: english/english and luatex Version snapshot-0.25.1-2008040121 (Web2C 7.5.6) What is the (probabely my) error? Greetings Lutz