Hi Hans,
I love the style used for this manual. I tried to do the same thing, but it's a long way off !

I tried to find the source code to inspire me :-)
I did this :

  path p ;
  p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ;
  pickup pencircle scaled 1mm ;
  linecap := squared ;
  drawoptions(withcolor \MPcolor{darkred}) ;
  draw ulcorner p -- urcorner p ;
  setbounds currentpicture to p ;


fill lltriangle scaled 4cm withcolor darkred;



fill lrtriangle scaled 4cm withcolor darkred;







\startchapter[title={First Chapter}]
\startsection[title={First section}]
\dorecurse{5}{\input knuth}

Thank you