Hi all, I'm quite new to ConTeXt, but I've been working with LaTeX for several years now. Now I faced a problem which I'm not able to solve in LaTeX which probably can be solved in ConTeXt: I need a possibility to set grafics in a book on exact, absolute positions. Now I found the way for background images, like in the attached example. But obviously, normal text is written above the background image. I need now a possibility like this but for foreground grafics. So, how can I set the position of grafics absolutely in ConTeXt? Thanks, Johannes. My example: -------------------------------------------------------------- \enableregime [il1] \mainlanguage [de] \setuplayout [grid=yes,marking=on,horoffset=2cm,veroffset=2cm] \definepapersize [jo][width=14cm,height=18cm] \setuppapersize [jo][a4] \useexternalfigure[wr][dpm][type=png, width=5cm, height=4cm] \definelayer[wr-layer] \defineoverlay[wr-overlay][\composedlayer{wr-layer}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background={wr-overlay}] \starttext \setlayer[wr-layer][x=-0.1cm,y=-0.1cm]{\externalfigure[wr]} Blablabla \stoptext --------------------------------------------------------------