2007/8/29, Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2007-08-29 um 15:53 schrieb Jörg Hagmann:
In the following minimal example, the left column contains 5, the right one 3 lines. I tried \column to get 4 + 4, but it didn't work
The columns features are broken for a long time now, esp. with stuff like \startlines, \starttabulate etc.
Maybe you could try column sets. I resolved to tables for my lead sheets (ugly code, like old HTML).
Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban
Hi, if he has this problem only at one place and has no time he could use TeX's halign primitive because this did still work. It is also easy to write a simple wrapper around this this emulate ConTeXt's table syntax. \starttext \startcolumns[rule=on] \halign{\strut#\quad&\hfil#\cr one: & text \cr two: & text \cr three: & text \cr four: & text \cr five: & text \cr six: & text \cr seven: & text \cr eight: & text \cr} \stopcolumns \stoptext Wolfgang