On 10/24/22 18:54, Steffen Wolfrum via ntg-context wrote:
according to the Chicago Manual of Style we should «never add a hyphen to break a URL»:
Hi Steffen, I think this is not even a question of style. myhouse.com and my-house.com are different domains.
Is there a switch to forbid \useURL adding hyphens?
\hyphenatedurl{} is the way to go. Although you add a hyphen (and a blank space [spaces as part of urls need to be escaped) to your url. I would also enclose the url inside \startasciimode...\stopasciimode to avoid escaping the percent sign. The percent sign has to be escaped as \letterpercent (otherwise, you get \%) in text. A simpler approach would read (there is a single url, instead of two [less typos in the end]): \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \def\MyURL[#1]{\goto{\tt\hyphenatedurl{#1}}[url(#1)]} \MyURL[https://litteraturbanken.se/författare/CollijnI/titlar/ActaEtProcessusCanon/sida/614/faksimil?show_search_work&s_query=retractata&s_lbworkid=lb487378&s_mediatype=faksimil&s_word_form_only] \stoptext But https://wiki.contextgarden.net/URL has more info. Just in case it might help, Pablo