At 09:10 11/03/2004, you wrote:
\setlayer[text][column=3,line=7,x=0.5\layoutcolumnwidth,location=c]{% Diploma awarded to}
now, _is_ this the smartest way to do this?
\setlayerframed [text] [...] [framed settings] {} may give you some more control and insight (you can always turn of the frame later)
furthermore, I'd like to allow for input into fields from Acrobat. I have this:
\definefield[CertID][text][CertIDSetup][] \setupfield[CertIDSetup][% readonly=no,printable=yes,width=4em,% frame=on,height=8mm,offset=5ex]
\myCenter{3}{11}{Sertifikat Nr. DNV-2004-OSL-PERS-\field[CertID]}
trouble is, the _field_ is aligned to the baseline, whereas I'd like the text _of_ the field to be thus aligned. any suggestiosn?
fields (and text in there) don't have a concept of a baseline (unfortunately), so depending on the situation, you may want to lower the text \hbox{\lower2pt\hbox{\field[...]}} and so (i need to look into pdf 1.5 to see if there are better ways now)
(as a matter of fact, the problem with this approach is that text cannot ever be centered becaue TeX need to know the dimensions at typesetting time - which isn't known until the user has interacted. is there, say, JavaScript magic that could be done in order to have text centered after it has been input?
doesn't align=middle work?
and on a sitenote,
I'd like to have a frame around the entire page. Preferably, I'd like to be able to place it using numerical coordinates (absolute or relative, set to a layer or not). Is this, or something close to it, possible?
i often use metapost for that (see metafun manual) \defineoverlay[xxx][\useMPgraphic{xxx}] \startuseMPgraphic{xxx} StartPage ; draw Page enlarged -3cm withpen pencircle scaled 1cm ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupbackgrounds[page][background=xxx] etc etc hans