Hi again, I have been reading all threads about the French typography in this mailing list, however the current solution is alas far for perfect. The command \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] was a good idea, but it only deals with spacing. French typography rules not only tells us that there should be a narrow, or a normal space before some punctuation marks like :, ;, , !, ?, « or », but also that theses spaces must be non breakable otherwise line breaking could occur just before a punctuation mark (and this is very bad). Take a look at the following example: \section{Production locale indigène ou production romaine importée?} With the current frenchpunctuation command, we got: Production locale indigène ou production romaine importée ? We should obtain: Production locale indigène ou production romaine importée ? Of course we could achieve this manually by adding the correct NNBSP like this: \section{Production locale indigène ou production romaine importée\,?} But I believe the whole point of TeX is to let the engine make all the typographic stuff. The best would be to get rid off \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] and adapt the frenchb Babel module from Daniel Flipo (source and explanation here http://daniel.flipo.free.fr/frenchb/ ), as a module (t-french modification), or when loading the language, but I really don't know how hard it would be since it handles a lot more than just punctuation marks. Regards, Bob.