Thanks, Hans.
My module works again now, with the help of tex.preparelinebreak().
For potential readers:
tex.preparelinebreak(list) modifyed my list for tex.linebreak(list) to:
<par vmodepar> # by user in advance, necessary
<glue parinitleftskip>
<glue parinitrightskip>
<glue indentskip> # by user in advance, necessary
<penalty linepenalty> # The last glue here, in the end of the list, is
<glue parfillleftskip>
<glue parfillskip> # as same as parfillrightskip
Thanks, Hans
I modified my list to:
2873 : par vmodepar> 3113 : glue indentskip> 3119 : glue parinitleftskip> 2879 : glue parinitrightskip> 2891 : glyph unset> ... 639 : glyph unset> 3089 : kern userkern> 2334 : glue userskip> 3095 : rule normal> 3101 : glue spaceskip> 642 : glue spaceskip> 3107 : penalty userpenalty> 645 : glue userskip> 3125 : penalty userpenalty> 3131 : glue parfillleftskip> nil : glue parfillskip> but the error is the same, so I'll wait the tex.preparelinebreak(), and observe it's work for more details.
Huang Fusyong(黄复雄)