9 Nov
9 Nov
1:23 p.m.
Uh...well the situation is the following 1) I'm using ubuntu 12.04 lts 32 bit 2) I don't use tex* from ubuntu 3) I manually install the latest mkiv in /opt/luatex/context-standalone (for mkii and mkiv only ) 4) I manually install texlive under /opt/luatex/texlive/2012 (for latex only)
You have a more-than-a-month-old mkiv, which currently means "unsupported".
I have updated using ConTeXt Standalone. It works nicely with the last stable version (sh ./first-setup.sh --context=current) but if I update to last unstable version (sh ./first-setup.sh) I have another error with the \page command... By the way with the stable version everything seems to work ! Thanks all for your help