(1) not all fonts have an italic Fonts without italics are no fonts. hm, as far i know, an italic style originally is different font, a kind of mimicking handwriting; if they come with a regular font, i consider it a bonus; also, your definition turns a lot of fonts into no-fonts
Yes it does. ;-) And I use lots of no-fonts myself. But if there's no emphasis style then I don't tinker my own. (In my typescripts I map e.g. italics to medium bold, if I use a family with different weights but no italics.)
(3) we seldom used \em Do you always use \it, \bf, \sl? Where's your logical markup? \definegroupedcommand[important] {\important ...}
Ok, didn't thought of such. Is more logical than I'm used to... ;-) And it shows me again that I'm not really able to use TeX/ConTeXt.
<amateurmode/> $smile;
Isn't that an empty entity? And I suppose it should be <amateurmode /> ⌣ (nit-picking again...) Greetlings by a laughing raven! -- www.fiee.net/texnique/ www.ramm.ch/context/