On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
How do I get different prefixes for heads and numbers. For example, I want
%------------------------- \section {One}
See \in[sec:test] %------------------------
to give
%------------------ I One A) Two
See I-A. %--------------------
I tried playing around conversionsets, prefixsets, etc. but could not figure out how to do this. Is something like this possible with the new structure code?
this already works:
\definestructureconversionset[default][Character,number,Romannumerals,Character][number] \definestructureseparatorset [default][.,.,--][.]
Thanks, this is slightly cleaner than the MkII way of achieving the same thing.
configuring references in on the agenda (the info is there, but not yet the way to configure)
It will be great if you could get it to work by the end of September. Aditya