23 May
23 May
2:06 a.m.
Hi, The following code : \setuplabeltext[chapter=CHAPTER~]\setuplabeltext[appendix=APPENDIX~]\setuplist [chapter] [label=yes,style={\blank[0cm]}] \starttext \completecontent \chapter{Title of a chapter} \startappendices\chapter{Title of an appendix}\stopappendices \stoptext results in : Contents CHAPTER 1 Title of a chapter CHAPTER A Title of an appendix Instead, I would like to get the following result : Contents CHAPTER 1 Title of a chapter APPENDIX A Title of an appendix In other words, this command :\setuplist [chapter] [label=yes]seems not to take this one :\setuplabeltext[appendix=APPENDIX~]into account. Am I forgetting to add another important command in my header ?Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Mathieu