On 2022-03-20 17:07, Wolfgang Schuster via ntg-context wrote:
Bruce Horrocks via ntg-context schrieb am 20.03.2022 um 21:10:
I'm editing a book that will be printed, however the authors have included URLs which will no doubt suffer from "bit rot" in no time at all. I think it will make the main text cleaner if I use endnotes rather than include the URL in-line in the text or as a (distracting) footnote. So when the author writes "See my video at <long Youtube URL>" I will print "See my video at link 1". At the back of the book, in an appendix somewhere, I then use \placenotes to display a table of the actual URLs for any readers that want to type them in.
I want the "link 1" bit to be normal text rather than superscript so it's more visible. Using the \setupnote[textstyle=...] command I can change the style of the number but not the superscript placing.
Is there a way to remove the superscript placing, please?
First\footnote{Footnote one}
First\footnote{Footnote two}
You might want to define a separate set of notes, for example, linknotes, defined as Wolfgang suggests, so \setupnote[linknote][textcommand=] so that they are a separate sequence. These would be used exclusively for the url links you describe and regular footnotes would continue to be superscript (or however else you choose to treat them). You can define multiple streams of footnotes and endnotes. -- Rik