Nikolai Weibull wrote:
this than I have is welcome to finish it. The \highlight command should be defined something like this (pseudo-tex-code):
\pdef\highlight[#1]{#2}% {\bgroup \setupcolorforgroup[#1]% \type{#2}% \egroup}
#1 is a group name, such as Statement, Operator, or Comment. #2 may contain multiple lines, and I don’t know how well this will work on the TeX side. It may also contain special characters like {, #, &, and so on. Suggestions?
The most simple one I expect to work would be \def\highlight[#1]{% \bgroup \setuphighlightcolors[{#1}]% never forget those {}, % % since [] aren't balanced! \processinlineverbatim\egroup}% \egroup is an argument to % % \processinlineverbatim here (I did have some mildly elaborate low-level code here, but upon searching for the ConTeXt way of switching of everything, I came upon \processinlineverbatim, which probably does everything you want. If it does not, please come back and I'll send you something more low-level that should.) regards, Christopher