olivier wrote:
Your students can also install Ruby (single click .exe : Rubyinstaller from : http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/9417/ruby184-16_rc1.exe) and Perl (single click .exe : activePerl :http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/) whithout any pb's of adding new executables to the path, since it's done while installation.
Except that I found out the very hard way, that at least Ruby installs nicely for a power user, but doesn't change the path unless the installation is done when logged in as Administrator - which may be a problem in a multi-user environment. Other than that, I haven't had any problems with newer versions of the MSWinConTeXt distribution (the one that unzips into 'isoimage' folder). I'm currently running the April 10 version from CD at work and once Perl and Ruby got installed into the path, the system has been really easy to use. [I downloaded the mswincontext.zip, unzipped and burned the *contents* of the isoimage folder onto a CD - and that's it, then.) Yes I agree, it is harder to put a working ConTeXt into Windows than into a Mac where it was *very* easy, but with Administrator rights to Windows2000/XP, the abovementioned Perl and Ruby installation packages are no problem and after that things just work. Mari (multi-OS user, but best in Windows)