Am 27.02.2012 um 02:47 schrieb Rogers, Michael K:
On Feb 26, 2012, at 7:13 PM, Marc Trius wrote:
Hi, I am trying to format a chapter heading so that there is a linebreak between the number and the name. The only way I managed to do this is this:
\setuphead[ chapter][command=\ChapTitle] \def\ChapTitle#1#2% {\framed[height=2cm,width=broad]{#1\\#2} }
This worked for me:
\define[2]\ChapTitle {\framed[width=broad,align=middle]{#1\\#2}}
I don't know if \vbox's are frowned on in ConTeXt, but my fix doesn't work if you remove it. I've just started migrating from Plain Tex to ConTeXt, so please excuse a naive response.
Special layouts for the headings requires sometimes \vbox and \hbox but in this case you don’t need it. Wolfgang